Tuesday 5 March 2019

U:S. Garage: Sir Winston And The Commons - Were Gonna Love 196-67 (1999 Sundazed) 4Track EP

The band started in 1963 as The Suspicions and played hip surf songs of well-known bands. Sometime in 1964 the band gave themselves the name Winston & The Commons and played the latest hits in almost every club in Indianapolis. At the insistence of their manager, the band started writing their own material.
They recorded a single for Soma in 1966 and a year later 'Not the spirit of India' for their own label. All four songs are here on the EP.
For me, the most powerful song on the EP is 'We're gonna Love' while the other three songs are great pop psychedelia. Enjoy.(Frank)

Note; more music will follow later today because i upgrade my system today and that will take some time. Only for information ;-)



  1. A little off topic, but you wouldn't happen to have the early 60's USA band Mike and The Ravens "Nevermore" would you?

  2. Hello Stephen,
    no, i haven't that album. I am sorry. Maybe you should try to getit over at Mario's in the chatbox.
    Wish you a nice day,


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