Wednesday 20 March 2019

Fortune & Maltese And The Phabulous Pallbearers ‎– Konquer Kampus (1996 Hillsdale) Vinyl

Take a Michigan-plated Bemo potato chips delivery van and a calendar of bookings ranging from the rankest bars to the hallowed midwest halls and you have the prime conditions for the evolution from knuckle.draggers to big men on campus. What the stuffed figures in the natural science building in 2064 may fail to capture is the sonic gala of vibrant vocals, harmonies galore and Hofner guitar playing sound found on this album.
Studying such arcana as 'The Kingsmen on Campus and applying action to theory, freddy Fortune, Michael Maltese and the Phabulous Pallbearers were the only nineties garage band to give the concept album the old college try and ace it. Not only did they meld golden California harmonies to frantic Northwest stomp, but their sound showed a refreshing devotion to overlooked bands like the Gants, Music Explosion, Bruce & Terry, fantastic Baggys and the Boys Next Door.

''Cuttin Class'' opened things up with sunny harmonic pop, perfectly capturing that feeling of waking up on a spring day and pondering why the books on the floor were even made when there are 25,000 co-eds at Michigan State to see. F&M knew that the college scene wasn't all high jinks and flowing golden brown, so they provide a timeless respite from blue books with the enchanting, tranquil instrumental ''Study Break''. With it's typewritten intro and unhinged banjo solo, it's the centerpiece of the album that will bring a smile and a wink as an electric piano leads a fleet of imdtruments into the magic land of modulation. Side Two exhibits the hard-won wisdom of ''Girls Ruin Everything''. And as dusk turns dark, ''Cuz I Want You, Yeah I Need You'' clears the book-strewn tables and fills the dance floor, foreshadowing the folk-rock tinge they would perfect on later singles.
Fortune and Maltese demonstrated that'Konquering Kampus' was not strictly academic. A well-rounded education also includes flip-flops, flipclocks, flip-tops, flip-sides and this record to make things shake and the campus quake.(Ted Liebler, found in the www)

A poppy garage record, full of wonderful harmonies, harmony vocals, simply great, full of positive dance and fun energy. Sixties organs, guitars and a sound reminiscent of the above mentioned bands. Very recommendable. Enjoy.(Frank)
Alternative Flac
Alternative mp3

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