Monday 1 October 2018

Jangle Pop/Power Pop/Pop Rock: The Allisons - The Allisons (1989 Spindletop)

The band released the album in 1989 on the Spindletop label. Their biggest and probably their only hit was ''Homeward Bound'' and for a while the video ran up and down on MTV in Europe. After that the band disappeared as far as I know pretty fast into nowhere. But the album is full of good songs. Rickenbacker guitars dominate the sound and the band sometimes sounds like a mixture of R.E.M. and Tom Petty. But such comparisons are mostly subjective and therefore you should listen if you like Jangle Pop and Power Pop with Rickenbacker sounds. Enjoy.(Frank)

Flac (zippy)                                               Flac (M)

mp3@320 (zippy)                                    mp3@320

                                    pass: SB1


  1. Thanks. The Allisons were a British vocal duet who ended second at the Eurovision song contest in the early 60s. When will a bunch of "young" guys call themselves "The Beatles"?

  2. Hello Rocking--Byrd,
    that's not the vocal duet from the early sixties. This is a band from the eighties with the same name. But i will post some stuff of the ''Sixties Allisons'' in the near future.

  3. Hi Frank. My comment was ironical.

    1. Hello R-B,
      yeah sometimes i don't understand immediately the sense because of the foreign language. :-)


    2. Well, after having listened to the whole CD, I can only strongly recommend it to all jingle-jangle / Rickenbacker / Byrds fans. It's excellent.


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